Open up your week by listening to Tom and Amber discuss how Jesus talks about the future. What will it look like? How can we know? What should we do to get ready? Good thoughts to help us focus our day.
1 Simple Word - Luke 20- Day 20
Tom and Amber welcome another guest, one of our own missionaries, Jeremiah Markley. Jeremiah is also our producer - YEAH! Listen as he shares a word he was really challenged by in Luke 20.
1 Simple Word - Luke 19 - Day 19
Jesus knows your name. He knows you. He wept for a city that would reject him. What do we miss when we fail to recognize Jesus? Amber and Tom discuss a word that keeps popping up in Luke 19.
1 Simple Word - Luke 18 - Day 18
Today's word will eat you apart if you don't seek Jesus to rescue you from it. Amber tells us why she fell in love with Tom, and Tom tries to redirect and shows us how we see the humility ethic at work in a lowly tax collector.
1 Simple Word - Luke 17 - Day 17
Do you ever feel you just need more faith? Amber and Tom share Jesus desires to help increase our faith... even for the worst of us. Even the 10 lepers show us the importance of faith as we live in the reality of God's gifts and goodness.
1 Simple Word - Luke 16 - Day 16
A familiar story - The Rich man and Lazurus. Today's word is actually daunting, we must take it to heart. Tom and Amber reflect on one of the clearest descriptions into Hell that the Bible provides.
1 Simple Word - Luke 15- Day 15
3 very common stories... several common themes. Tom and Amber welcome a special guest, Missionary Joe Milioni, as he gives some insight into how the story of the prodigal lands on people from different cultures.
1 Simple Word - Luke 14 - Day 14
A wedding, a feast, and a banquet. Listen to the lessons Jesus teaches in each of these stories and find out about seating choices, pride at the party, and RSVP'ing.
1 Simple Word - Luke 13 - Day 13
Why? Why did this happen? Ever ask these type of questions? Listen as Tom and Amber discuss some dark events. Don't pass by the difficult without learning some key lessons for a God-filled future.
1 Simple Word - Luke 12 - Day 12
Do you struggle with anxiety or fear? Today we discuss the looming threat of emotions that wants to rob us of growing. We must fight fear with faith. Let today's podcast remind you of how God is there to help us!
1 Simple Word - Luke 11 - Day 11
Tom shows us his age as he stuns Amber quoting some 90's hip-hop to uncover today's One Simple Word. Wow, we all need help in the same way the disciples did, lets take Jesus' words to heart and grow in this today.
1 Simple Word - Luke 10 - Day 10
What's the word? Send? ... Tom and Amber land on a challenging word that posed questions and a big lesson taught as Jesus tells one of His most famous stories. Who do you think that mystery good Samaritan was?
1 Simple Word - Luke 9 - Day 9
How do you get in God's Word? Tom and Amber share what helps them get into the word.... and how today's one simple word keeps jumping off the page and reminds us what God calls us to.
1 Simple Word - Luke 8 - Day 8
Amber gets excited about the parable in this passage. It's still not time to get in the garden this year, but reading about the story Jesus tells helps us gain truth to live and help growth take place.
1 Simple Word - Luke 7 - Day 7
Amber struggles... The One Simple Word today has never been the word for the day... but we say it every day and it is powerfully on display in Luke 7. What is it? Listen to today's podcast and read the chapter to discover the word for today.
1 Simple Word - Luke 6 - Day 6
Jesus is our foundation. Many things today try to invade and take the place of Jesus as our Rock - Don't let that happen. See how Christ sets the example and challenges us to follow Him.
1 Simple Word - Luke 5 - Day 5
Today's word reminds us of the the very personal nature of Jesus. He related with people, longed for relationship, and built bridges to minister to people. Listen and percieve the amazing personal nature of our Lord!
1 Simple Word - Luke 4 - Day 4
Even Jesus faced temptation and rejection... but He remained faithful. Be encouraged that temptation does not have to mean defeat. Find why getting into the Word helps you fight your battles today.
1 Simple Word - Luke 3 - Day 3
Today's One Simple Word reminds us that time keeps ticking and there is something that each of us must do to get ready. We'll see this as John the Baptist discusses things like pictch forks and threshing floors -hmmm?
1 Simple Word - Luke 2 - Day 2
The One Simple Word for Luke 2 is the humble response of everyone who recognizes Jesus and God's promises in Christ. Listen as Tom and Amber walk through how that word keeps popping up.