Elective Classes to choose from from March 2-May18
Offered after our Worship Service @ 11:15am

Introduction to the Old Testament

This class is designed to help you better understand the early history of God’s
revelation to His people and to aid you in our Bible reading plan. It will focus on providing as overview of Genesis to 2 Chronicles with a focus on seeing the Character of God through the historical stories and will be taught by Paul Spotts in Classroom #1. 


This study in the book of Philippians will examine Paul’s heart for churches, the advancement of the gospel, and how we progress in our faith. The goal is to consider the God truths that Paul teaches and allow them to shape our lives so God will be glorified in all we do. This class will meet in Classroom #2 and is taught by Don Manchester. 

Theology 101

This class overviews  the major doctrines of the Christian faith. The goal  is to help  grow your knowledge of the primary Biblical doctrines and truths I order to help you better know God, fuel your desires for God, and guide you in your efforts at being a disciple who makes disciples. This class will be in the Multi-Purpose Room and is taught by Pastor Tom and Branden Lee.

Teen Class - What do You Really Believe?

Too often young people are not given the opportunity to grow in their understanding of the basics of the Christian faith. This study will teach what we believe, covering key truths of our faith and showing where in the Bible we find these truths. The class will be in the Youth Room and taught by Pastor Joey.