In our journey through the Word we are finding some of the One Simple Words provide great visual illustrations. Today we discuss how Paul uses one of these to teach us about the power of who we are.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 2 - Day 80
Today we have a special guest all the way from Canada. Listen as we get some special insight about, and consider, how our life is received - especially by God!
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 1 - Day 79
In today's episode listen as we intro 2 Corinthians. Why was there a need for a 2nd letter? Amber challenges Tom on his letter writing and then they discuss the love Paul was showing those people at Corinth.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 16- Day 78
How are your relationships? Do you need to work at friendships that encourage following Jesus? Listen as Tom and Amber reflect on Paul's example in this final chapter in 1 Corinthians.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 15- Day 77
How powerful is the resurrection? Listen as we discuss the power of the gospel and consider where we would be if not for having a Savior who arose. This 1 Simple Word needs to be shared again and again, lets make our lives about this chapter.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 14- Day 76
Time to focus - time to grow. Today listen as we share a chapter that helps rid the church of confusion. Ministry is intended to help people grow closer to Christ. How can you and I live and help to build up others in Christ?
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 13- Day 75
Special guest Friday! Today Tom and Amber welcome an old friend and listener to discuss one of the most popular chapters in the Bible. Lets be careful we don't just think of these truths at weddings or marriage sessions. This chapter is so needed every day.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 12- Day 74
Do you like gifts? Do you have a registry list? What kind of gifts do you get excited about? What about the ones intended to be used instead of collect dust? Listen as Tom and Amber discuss the gifts that God gives us.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 11 - Day 73
What are way's we remind ourselves of powerful truths? In today's episode Tom and Amber talk about the powerful concepts that Jesus wanted to be taught by using things to help us remember Him and His sacrifice for us.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 10 - Day 72
Today we reflect on the darkness and reality that sin can have when we give in to idols. Paul points to the history of the people of Israel and their tendency to allow idols to take them away from God's steadfast love.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 9 - Day 71
We live in an age where we are often talking about rights. We fight for them. We want them. We don't want them taken from us. Listen as we share Paul's strategy, it sounds counter-cultural then and today.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 8 - Day 70
Listen as Tom and Amber discuss yet another unusual question that Paul answers. Amber suggests she may want a job after reading this chapter. Idols, food, diets, and people in our lives -check out what 1 Simple Word we land on.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 7 - Day 69
What do you do with 1 Corinthians 7 - so many thoughts and topics revolving around relationships. Listen to the range of words Tom and Amber suggest. Also hear them share how this chapter helps take pressure off when it comes to fitting into a role people try to force you into.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 6 - Day 68
Listen to Tom and Amber share about the serious problem when the arguments between Christians causes damage to the cause of Christ. Pride and wanting your own way can quickly turn people off. Lets make sure we are better than what we find in this chapter.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 5 - Day 67
Today's 1 Simple Word may not be conversation you have around the water cooler, but it is an important conversation that the church needs. Too often we have plenty to say about the world's sin, but fail to see our own. Ouch!
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 4 - Day 66
Faithful, Mom-worthy, and God-honoring. Today Tom and Amber share their word and talk about how important it is when following God - after all it is what he looks for as we serve Him!
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 3 - Day 65
Today we turn back the clock and talk about when our girls were babies. We are never intended to stay babies. God designed us to grow! Paul wants the church to grow - and we too need to move forward in our faith.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 2 - Day 64
Today we talk about how we have entered the Corinthian marathon. Don't stop now, we can make it through. Today's word may come as a surprise to you. Paul speaks of peoples true power and source of deliverance being far different than they had ever thought.
1 Simple Word - 1 Corinthians 1 - Day 63
Today we begin a journey through the letters to the church of Corinth. Buckle up for some crazy chapters that confront all sorts of sin and personal issues that Satan intends to bring your way and destroy us.
1 Simple Word - Acts 19- Day 62
Check out this episode where we try to help you keep up with Paul's passport. He is getting it stamped all over the place as he shares the gospel and along the way making friends and enemies too!