There are definitely times and truths that we tend to forget. In today's One Simple Word episode, Tom and Amber share how Peter purposed to not let this happen in our lives.
1 Simple Word - 2 Peter 2 - Day 180
The One Simple Word for today is really one of the primary reasons that Peter writes the letter. Listen as Tom and Amber discuss the dangers that we must watch out for as we live the Christ-following life.
1 Simple Word - 2 Peter 1 - Day 179
Today's episode breaks into a new letter: 2 Peter, and the One Simple Word highlights the fact that we as Christ-followers have been given special qualities in Christ: Listen and engage!
1 Simple Word - 1 Peter 5 - Day 178
Listen as Tom and Amber share how a favorite Peter story paves the way for what Peter writes years later to the churches. It is a powerful example of how a learned lesson gets personified in life and then passed on to others.
1 Simple Word - 1 Peter 4 - Day 177
Today's One Simple Word is one of those strange paradoxes only made possible by God's miraculous power and plan. Tom and Amber discuss today's word that forces us to look past the temporary to see what God is up to for longer and fuller FOREVER.
1 Simple Word - 1 Peter 3 - Day 176
Today's episode of 1 Simple Word includes another favorite Peter moment, but then it gets to the heart of Peter's letter by describing a primary way we are to live as people and towards God.
1 Simple Word - 1 Peter 2 - Day 175
We love the strong word pictures that we find in God's Word. On today's episode of One Simple Word we share one of those pictures and consider how Peter used it multiple times to teach us solid truth.
1 Simple Word - 1 Peter 1 - Day 174
On today's episode of One Simple Word we discuss our favorite Apostle Peter story. Do you have one? Amber wonders what Tom's is and then they share how Peter wanted the persecuted church to be ready to stand strong.
1 Simple Word - Titus 3 - Day 173
Are there times in your life where you wonder whether or not you are on target with your life and how you spend your time? Today, Tom and Amber share One Simple Word about how our lives are intended to count.
1 Simple Word - Titus 2 - Day 172
Sometimes small words are the most powerfully packed words. Listen to today's episode of One Simple Word, and see what word helps us understand the immensity of God's plan and the authority behind it.
1 Simple Word - Titus 1 - Day 171
Its always good to be able to start a new letter and on today's episode of One Simple Word Tom and Amber share how Paul helps encourage Titus to set Crete in order.
1 Simple Word - 2 Timothy 4 - Day 170
Today's word is fitting as we wrap up our week and also bring Paul's letters to Timothy to a close. Listen as Tom and Amber share their 1 Simple Word and reflect on what Paul must have been going through as his life was coming to a close.
1 Simple Word - 2 Timothy 3 - Day 169
Did you ever know people that just seemed like trouble or negativity loomed wherever they were? On today's One Simple Word you will receive some instruction on how to handle those types of people.
1 Simple Word - 2 Timothy 2 - Day 168
Today the topic of passing on our faith causes Tom and Amber to discuss how that takes place. Even as you participate in One Simple Word it is our opportunity to share that with others and be part of fulfilling today's challenge.
1 Simple Word - 2 Timothy 1 - Day 167
How to build a fire in 3 easy steps! Well, maybe not, but today's episode shares a One Simple Word that is Tom's key to having a good fire. Listen and follow through in your life applying what Paul shares in 2 Timothy 1.
1 Simple Word - 1 Timothy 6 - Day 166
Tom and Amber just keep moving forward with action words for the 1 Simple Word as they summarize what Paul is charging Timothy to do. Be challenged to take action from today’s episode .
1 Simple Word - 1 Timothy 5 - Day 165
On today's 1 Simple Word episode Tom and Amber cover a word that is vital for healthy relationships. It is also an essential ingredient for healthy function in the body of Christ - the church.
1 Simple Word - 1 Timothy 4 - Day 164
Tom and Amber reflect on the importance of today's One Simple Word. It almost seems like Paul is our Life Coach so as you listen, consider the areas of your life that may need to receive some exercise and training.
1 Simple Word - 1 Timothy 3 - Day 163
We love it when we can use those small but powerful words from Scripture: Today's One Simple Word is one of those times. Be encouraged as you listen to the directions Paul lays down for the church.
1 Simple Word - 1 Timothy 2 - Day 162
Today's One Simple Word is something every Christ-follower has been blessed by and also something we should regularly be blessing others with. Take time to consider the challenge Paul gives to Timothy and how you can fulfill it today.