Welcome to First Baptist Church Albion
Our vision is to glorify God by reaching up to Him in worship, reaching out with the gospel,and reaching in with compassion to those who are part of our church family. There are some things that truly help define who we are:
We desire that all we do be Christ-centered. Jesus is for everyone and because of this we emphasize learning and growing to know Jesus at every age level and in every group.
It is also our belief that the Word be the focus of our teaching and not philosophy or trends; God’s Word provides the instruction and empowering for daily life and living life on mission.
“It is always exciting to see God at work in the lives of people. Here at FBC Albion God is at work changing us and using us to make an impact in Albion and around the world. I want to welcome you to become part of what God is doing here. As you do, you will find we are common everyday people who experience the ups and downs of life; but have found we do best at living life and following God when we do it together. Come and visit and be a part of growing with us; I’ll look forward to meeting you.”
-Tom Hollowood
Finally, we realize that following God is best done within the context of relationships. When life happens and we hit bumps in the road, it is a huge encouragement to have people who love you and are there to help, encourage, and carry burdens. God knew each of us would need this and this is what He designed the church to be.
Worship Service
Sunday Mornings at 9:45am
Please join us Sunday mornings in our new sanctuary for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and teaching.
Sunday School
Take a class with us Sunday’s at 11:15am
With multiple classes we have something for every member of the family.
Nursery Care
We are a kid-friendly church and just recently totally renovated our nusery and 2’s and 3’s rooms. You will find a loving, supportive, and professional team of nursery staff to help make your families time at church enjoyable. Our fully supervised nursery is available during all the Sunday services, as well as junior church classes and Sunday school for 2-5 year olds.
Interpretation for the Deaf
This is a ministry that has been available at First Baptist for many years. It is a joy to provide this service to those who are hearing impaired. If you know anyone in the area that could benefit by this service please encourage them to come and join us. Someone recently has called our deaf ministries as “one of the best kept secret around.”
Junior Church
We believe that children should begin learning about God, His Word, and His love for us at the earliest ages possible. For this reason we have age specific Junior Church programs. This includes a 2’s and 3’s class and a 4’s and 5’s class that begins at 9:45 each Sunday morning. A special program for the children, 1st – 6th grade, is also held during the Morning Service. The Children will be dismissed after the opening of the service to go with the leaders to a worship of their own.