Today's podcast discusses one of the most powerful forces in the world? Do you know what it is? Can you control it? Will you use it to heal or hurt? To start wars or make peace?
1 Simple Word - James 2 - Day 40
With all that is fake or inauthentic in our world today, today's word reminds us that faith without works is dead. Listen in as we invite special guest Dan Carty to share his thoughts from James 2.
1 Simple Word - James 1 - Day 39
Today's episode begins a new letter - James letter to the scattered church. Listen as Tom and Amber discuss how cram-packed it is with practical wisdom to follow through on.
1 Simple Word - Acts 14 - Day 38
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or just want to quit? Today's One Simple Word helps us fight off that temptation by learning a great lesson in Acts 14. Don't quit - God has special things in store.
1 Simple Word - Acts 13 - Day 37
Today on One Simple Word listen as we discuss the powerful moment of Paul and Barnabas being sent. The people sensed the Spirit at work and they faithfully began spreading what God was doing.
1 Simple Word - Acts 12 - Day 36
Today, listen as Pastor Tom gets his revenge and gets to bring "his" word to describe the amazing things that happen through the chapter and as the Power of God answers prayers and challenges the status quo.
1 Simple Word - Acts 11 - Day 35
On today's episode we welcome special guest, April Markley. We discuss the powerful impact of the fact that the gospel is not for just one people group - that is our story and no one is excluded. Take a listen and see what One Simple Word we land on.
1 Simple Word - Acts 10 - Day 34
Today's One Simple Word is an important word for today. With all the hostility, division, and elite-ism that we see in our world, we find a basic and simple lesson that God teaches Peter that would change the course of the Church.
1 Simple Word - Acts 9 - Day 33
As we jump into Acts 9 it doesn't take Amber long to find her One Simple Word and convinces Tom that, not only is it a key word throughout the chapter, but also in our lives. Listen and find out what it is!
1 Simple Word - Acts 8 - Day 32
Listen as Tom and Amber talk about the result of the intense persecution happening to followers of Jesus. Does God have a purpose in our suffering? Can He bring about good from hard times?
1 Simple Word - Acts 7 - Day 31
Today we discuss the amazing sermon of Stephen. He lays out a rich storyline of the Old Testament, but as he does notice the heart need he unveils as he calls his listeners to learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.
1 Simple Word - Acts 6 - Day 30
Today our guest is Micah Doerksen, Youth Pastor in Albion, Michigan. Listen as he shares his "word" and reflects on one of the most amazing guys in Acts. Acts 6 is short so see if you came up with the same word.
1 Simple Word - Acts 5 - Day 29
Lying to the Holy Spirit, jealousy by the priests, and ongoing persecution and imprisonment of the apostles. As Acts ramps up, Tom and Amber discuss some of the intense applications for us today.
1 Simple Word - Acts 4 - Day 28
Today's episode discusses a key characteristic in Acts 4 that just jumps off the page. See it in Peter's words to the people, see it as they get arrested, and see it in their prayers for God to work.
1 Simple Word - Acts 3 - Day 27
What makes you get excited as you read Acts 3: a healed beggar, disciples that are doing miracles, a faithful and powerful gospel sermon by Peter....? All of them accentuate the word we have chosen for today.
1 Simple Word - Acts 2 - Day 26
Today we dive into the power-filled Acts 2 as we see Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit fulfilled. That promise means so much for us: identity, power, and purpose to live our lives for HIm.
1 Simple Word - Acts 1 - Day 25
Listen to today's podcast as Pastor Tom and Amber invite their daughter, Averie, on to share her One Simple Word from Acts 1. Jesus shows up and then goes up and in the meantime Averie gains some practical application for life.
1 Simple Word - Luke 24 - Day 24
This chapter is one of Pastor Tom's favorite. Listen as he and Amber share how it opens up a deep understanding of how we should see the Old Testament and how Jesus is the center of all of history.
1 Simple Word - Luke 23 - Day 23
Enter into a discussion today about how we often want a "do over" or justice, yet Tom and Amber share how this day in history in Luke 23 goes down as the most injust day ever and yet we wouldn't want a redo because of what it meant for us.
1 Simple Word - Luke 22 - Day 22
Amber and Tom may have argued over this one. NO!... but not every chap ter is packed with rainbows and blessings. Listen and see how a dark chapter causes us to pause and realize life often has tough stuff and rough days but God's faithfulness will bring us through.