Today's 1 Simple Word offers aid to keep us from the one thing that is detestable to everyone around you, but you can't see. Listen as Tom and Amber share how this one tiny characteristic is linked to faith to help make much of Jesus.
1 Simple Word - Mark 9 - Day 100
Today's episode is a special day: Day 100. We wanted to bring a special family in for Special Guest Friday to share their word from Mark 9. Listen as they share two key spots where they found today's word.
1 Simple Word - Mark 8 - Day 99
How is your walk? We are loving walking through The Word and seeing Jesus perform some amazing miracles. Today's 1 Simple Word reminds us that His miracles are needed in both the spiritual and physical realms.
1 Simple Word - Mark 7 - Day 98
Tom and Amber share a word today that causes many people to be tripped up. Its something that doesn't necessarily have to be dangerous, but if it receives too much focus can end up being very destructive.
1 Simple Word - Mark 6 - Day 97
The 1 Simple Word for today reminds us of the importance of being in God's Word. Take special notice of how Tom and Amber point out that today's word can be seen in both followers of Jesus and those who aren't.
1 Simple Word - Mark 5 - Day 96
Although today's word is not "darkness", we definitely see a lot of it. Listen and be encouraged with how Jesus makes His impact on one of the darkest scenes in the gospels.
1 Simple Word - Mark 4 - Day 95
Today we get to talk about one of the most famous parables: the Sower and the seed. Listen as we welcome special guests Misty and Jake Conrad as they share the 1 Simple Word they found.
1 Simple Word - Mark 3 - Day 94
Today's 1 Simple Word is found several times throughout the chapter. Listen and see what Jesus is up to and how the word plays out both with good intentions and evil.
1 Simple Word - Mark 2 - Day 93
In today's podcast, Tom and Amber share how we see the power of Jesus on full display. Listen as they share what their favorite Jesus story is.
1 Simple Word - Mark 1 - Day 92
Today's episode begins a new book: The Gospel of Mark. We get to talk about John the Baptist and Jesus, and taking big steps.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 13 - Day 91
How would you wrap up a letter? Listen as Tom and Amber wrap up this 2nd letter to Corinth and share their word that helps us see Paul's concern for these dear people.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 12 - Day 90
Today is Special Guest Friday and Amber welcomes a long-time friend who helps us bring 2 Corinthians 12 right into our life struggles. Today's One Simple Word will remind us the power we have in Christ.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 11 - Day 89
MIc drop... Listen to today's episode as we discuss Paul's list of crazy life experiences. If you choose ministry for the the lime-light and the stage... think again.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 10 - Day 88
Life as an Apostle must have been rough. Today Tom and Amber choose One Simple Word as they discuss the struggle Paul faced with being doubted, attacked, and hated... all by supposed believers.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 9 - Day 87
Today's One Simple Word rolls over from yesterday. Gifts, money, and offerings: the favorite topic of everyone at church. Our word today reminds us where our spirit's should be.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 8 - Day 86
Today on One Simple Word we find a word of encouragement by Paul to faithfully give. Paul uses examples of others giving to encourage us to do the same.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 7 - Day 85
Do you need a DTR? What word do we choose as we discuss Paul's relationship status with the Corinth church. Sometimes its hard, but its healthy to accept that some things are not going as planned.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 6 - Day 84
Today's One Simple Word discusses a few more objects that help teach spiritual truth. We, as temples, have the Holy Spirit in us. We are to be guides and not get in the way of pointing people to Jesus.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 5 - Day 83
Today, Tom and Amber help us understand how the opening part of the chapter about tents helps us understand our role here on earth. The One Simple Word reveals the title and purpose of our time left on this earth.
1 Simple Word - 2 Corinthians 4 - Day 82
What do you do with your valuable possessions? Paul again uses a visual aid to teach who we are. Listen as we discuss the beauty inside of One Simple Word in 2 Corinthians 4