Today's chapter is the resurrection of Jesus. Listen as Tom and Amber share a very intimate One Simple Word from one of the resurrection accounts.
1 Simple Word - John 19 - Day 200
One Simple Word reaches an amazing benchmark. This episode is #200. This means there are only 60 more chapters left. It is also special to find that today's chapter is the most important day in history - the day Jesus died to pay for our sin. Enjoy!
1 Simple Word - John 18 - Day 199
There have been those days where our listeners can get the same One Simple Word as us... today is not one of those days. Tom and Amber find a word that initially has you scratching your head, but once they point it out to you... you just may agree.
1 Simple Word - John 17 - Day 198
Today's One Simple Word is weighty and full of meaning. Listen as Tom and Amber walk through John 17 and show how Jesus uses the word to build on His identity and worthiness.
1 Simple Word - John 16 - Day 197
Today Amber gets a little bit rowdy as Tom shares the One Simple Word. Listen as they discuss a powerful word Jesus used to reference what he had accomplished.
1 Simple Word - John 15 - Day 196
Today on One Simple Word, Tom and Amber discuss Amber's favorite "I am" statement that Jesus makes. Jesus describes himself and it is so helpful to understand how we grow in Him.
1 Simple Word - John 14 - Day 195
The One Simple Word for today actually is surprising that it has not been chosen yet. It perfectly describes Jesus and helps us see the intricate way He is connected to the Father.
1 Simple Word - John 13 - Day 194
Listen as Tom and Amber share a key way that Jesus helps us know how to live. It is a blessing to be able to have a faithful and perfect example that we can follow.
1 Simple Word - John 12 - Day 193
Tom and Amber love the One Simple Word from John 12. They see it in several ways, from the point Mary anoints Jesus with her perfume to Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Listen and you will see it too!
1 Simple Word - John 11 - Day 192
If you choose a word each day when you read the chapter, we are guessing you probably won't choose the One Simple Word that we did, but ours is just as powerful: take a listen!
1 Simple Word - John 10 - Day 191
Today on One Simple Word listen as Tom and Amber reflect on why Jesus includes an adjective in the description of himself.
1 Simple Word - John 9 - Day 190
On today's One Simple Word, Tom and Amber share a word that does not just explain who Jesus is but also communicates personal surrender. Its one of our favorites!
1 Simple Word - John 8 - Day 189
Today the One Simple Word was not found more than a few times in John 8 but it was one of Jesus' most famous titles for Himself. Take time to reflect on how this description of Jesus has changed your life.
1 Simple Word - John 7 - Day 188
This episode of One Simple Word takes time to review the words chosen so far in John. Tom and Amber then share today's word and reflect on how people were having to decide one way or the other who they believed Jesus to be.
1 Simple Word - John 6 - Day 187
The "I am" statements of Jesus provide a powerful description of who Jesus is. Today, Tom and Amber share the One Simple Word that helps us realize Jesus is all we need.
1 Simple Word - John 5 - Day 186
On today's episode, Tom and Amber share the One Simple Word that each one of us desires. The power of Jesus was on full display and ends up creating a stir that causes Him to be hated the rest of the way in John.
1 Simple Word - John 4 - Day 185
We absolutely love the story of the Samaritan women at the well. The intrigue, the mystery, the twists, the shock, and finally the revealing of who Jesus is - listen in as Tom and Amber share their One Simple Word.
1 Simple Word - John 3 - Day 184
You will find today's One Simple Word several times in the John 3. It applies to different people, but when you apply it to Jesus it will lead you to ready yourself for growing in wisdom and truth.
1 Simple Word - John 2 - Day 183
On today's episode Tom and Amber share that through the book of John their One Simple Word will showcase Jesus and titles or descriptions of who He is. Can you guess today's?
1 Simple Word - John 1 - Day 182
We are so excited that today's episode begins one of our favorite books of the Bible. Listen as we share our 1st of many One Simple Word's from the Life of Jesus in the book of John.