Keeping you connected 3/29/2020

This week we have seen God work in our people’s lives in some special ways. It is amazing to see how God blesses both faith and faithfulness in His people’s lives. We will share some of these blessings in the following ways:

SUNDAY TEACHING: We look forward to our Sunday teaching and it will once again be offered here on our website - just click HERE.

3 PM FOLLOW UP: If you miss interaction, you will want to join us LIVE at 3pm Sunday afternoon as Pastor Tom leads a group discussion on our Facebook page. Just jump online and get on Facebook at: First Baptist Church Albion to type in your comments or questions for the panel to respond to.

GIVING: We trust you will support God’s work here and through our missions program . You could either send in your check through the mail to:
FBC Albion
980 Haven Road
Albion, MI 49224

Or give online by clicking HERE.

YOUTH GROUP: Micah has a weekly lesson for the teens each Wednesday in the Youth page – this week’s is HERE.

KIDS: There is short time of teaching for our children on Sunday morning – HERE.

NOON DAY PRAYER: You can come each Wednesday to Pastor’s Blog and participate in a live face to Face prayer time with other church members. Just click HERE on Wednesday April 1st to join us!

As you go through your week, don’t get stagnant in your faith. Continue to dig in God’s Word and jump back on our site each day to see a daily “Moment in the Word” with Pastor Tom Pastor’s Blog section -  click HERE.

Together, let’s RISE UP and do all we can to encourage one another until we meet again.