Luke 20: 20-47
Getting an early start this morning… This passage is is quick and to the point… Notice the highlights:
Confrontation #1- The Chief priests try to trap Jesus about by asking about paying taxes or honoring God - Jesus responds by telling them to do both - its not an either or. Reminds us of our own Corona virus situation doesn’t it.
Confrontation #2 - The Sadducee’s, who don’ believe in the resurrection, ask a very twisted question about the resurrection. Jesus handles it by pointing out that even Moses and David, highly regarded by these men, believed in the resurrection - MIC DROP!
Confrontation #3 - Jesus addresses the scribes hypocrisy and desire for prominence but their failure to live out love for others.
Read it and be challenged and go and make a difference in someone’s life today. A call, note, or text can go a long ways.