Sunday Worship-March 28

This Sunday we will continue our teaching series: “Turbulence” and shift from the early church to walk through the struggles that Paul addresses in the letters he wrote to dear churches he had an impact on. Our current location for worship is in our larger space, inside the Family Life Center which allows more room to spread out. It also provides a separate section for those who would rather stay masked the entire service.

For our children, we now have our nursery available at the start of the service. For 3-year olds through 12-year olds, our Jr Church is dismissed following our singing time and allows room to spread out and be taught a Bible lesson that is age-appropriate. Your children will enjoy a time designed just for them and can then be picked up as families get ready to leave following worship.

Here are a few questions along with their answers to help you know what to expect.

Where are we meeting?
For the immediate future, we will be having our 10 a.m. worship service in the Family Life Center. With more space to spread out, our seating will allow those who come together to sit in groups that maintain at least 6 feet from others. You are welcome to bring your lawn chairs if you desire.

What precautions are in place?
Along with hand sanitizer stations at each entrance, we will be cleaning all contact points prior to all services. We also ask you to maintain 6 foot distancing from others. We will be limiting contact points by having all doors open, offering boxes for you to place your tithes and offerings in, and will have disposable cups with wafers for Communion.  

What will our indoor protocols look like?
1. Even as we transition inside our first and guiding protocol is from God’s Word:  “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:3-5) Let’s be faithful to live out what it looks like to come with others best interests above that of our own. We know there are vast differences of opinion, but in a spirit of humility and unity we are seeking hearts that will adapt, think of others, and showcase a love and partnership not seen outside the church. With that in mind we are presenting a few ways that will help people be able to safely come and be part of our services.

2. We are asking you to wear a mask as you enter, exit, and move around the building.

3. For those desiring it the side entrance to the gym by the youth rooms will be open for the section of the gym where masks will be worn the entire service. You can access that door best by going to the back of the parking lot with the Church Sign. After the service, we would encourage everyone to fellowship outside.

Where should we park?
Because not all the cars will fit on the Family Life Center side, we want to reserve that side for guests and those who need to park closer. Everyone else that is able is asked to park on the west-side, where our church sign is. You can enter the doors on that side and make your way through the building to the Family Life Center. Those who want to sit in the section of the gym where masks will be worn the entire service are welcome to park on the side door by the Youth Room – that door will be open and accessible.

See you Sunday!
Let’s let each Sunday moving forward have our praise and follow through for Jesus to be the focus of our church. We want 980 Haven to be Corona-free. This means we don’t desire to have it, spread it, talk about it, or discuss the politics surrounding it. We have far more important things to talk about and unify us. God bless you and see you Sunday!

Don’t forget those who don’t feel they can make it, we are also LIVESTREAMING and you can find it on our homepage at . We miss you and hope to see you soon!