End of May Updates

As we wrapped up the month of May, we were able to gain further insight into two missionary lives and hear how COVID-19 has affected them. Here is what they had to say:

Dr. Emmanuel in India - the Emmanuel’s are Indian nationals who share the Gospel through church ministries and orphanages in their own country.  Dr. Emmanuel’s wife passed away last year.

     “Things have gone completely crazy because of the Pandemic COVID all over the World and In India, we were on complete lockdown for more than two months. I was pretty much confined to myself in my home. This is a small part of the write up my daughter wrote in memory of my wife. “As I approach this June 7th, 2020, I find it hard to parse my feelings, I feel bad, sad, low, grateful, deprived, lost, strong, vulnerable, humble, and hundred other things all at the same time.”

Please give my regards to all at the church and let them know we are praying for them and the whole of America in a special way. May Our Father in Heaven grant us the peace that passeth all understanding and the strength and courage to face these tough times.” 


Phyllis Oblander in the Philippines - Phyllis was saved while she was an Albion College student.  She received her medical training at Ohio State University and has ministered to Muslims on Mindanao as a medical missionary for many years.  In recent years, she has been seeing a nucleus of believers growing in Jesus. We are her sending church.

    “In the crucible of locked-down discipleship, these last weeks have been some of the sweetest times the ministry here has ever had!  We've had 4 steady weeks of precious weekly worship times with mostly Jim and Roxie (believers and leaders in the village) leading the study time and the young people leading worship, and memorizing passages to recite! Plus we've had 3-4 times a week of Scripture study, nightly prayer, and are finding victory over some sin areas and unity "bumps-in-the-road.

But of course the enemy is not happy! So he's using his usual tactics of fear and disunity!  Jim…against advice of mine and the municipal mayor's secretary, chose to travel the 11 hours round trip to fetch his kids. The trip was successful, but several steps were in direct violation of quarantine laws. The Spirit is nudging him toward asking forgiveness, and to continue from here with more careful quarantine measures for this family, but the "will to be willing" well... is not quite there yet. So right now he is running from interaction with us or community authority. So please lift this dear brother up to the Lord, for a softening heart!

After we all retired to bed, I found this sweet note left by the computers, translated: "This heavy problem will pass with God's help! From: the kids and young ladies".  All this is particularly hard for Okay, feeling in the middle, and just in the throes of post-chemo side effects from Thursday. In her restless state, she slipped and fell on her knee this afternoon so is in bed with an ice pack.

Thanks so much for asking the Father to continue to work in our hearts toward restored relationships.”

Please continue to prayerfully consider giving regularly to the missions account to support our 19 missionary families.

All About the Markley Family

The Easter Love Offering had a greater impact on the Markley’s than you may have realized…

This Easter, as a church, we wanted to take up a special offering to be able to bless two missionary families we support. The Markley’s currently serve in a remote location in Papua New Guinea. 2020 is the year for the Markley Family to return home to the states for a year-long home assignment. Home-assignment is something that most missionaries look forward to because it means they are able to reconnect with friends, family, and churches that were left behind when God called them to the field. The combination of being encouraged by friends and family + enjoying the comfort that home brings allows for missionaries to return to the field feeling refreshed, rested, and ready to continue their work on foreign grounds. Being a missionary is no walk in the park - There is much that is sacrificed, it takes hard work, and can be uncomfortable. But if you ask any missionary, “Is it worth it?” without hesitating, their answer will be, “YES!”.

Here is how your giving affected the Markley Family:

Dear Friends at FBC Albion,

“You have once again blown us away with your love and generosity with the amazing financial gift you sent our way this month! We are humbled and grateful and excited about what the Lord is doing through you. When all of our tickets to the States were cancelled and the PNG borders closed due to covid19, a special repatriation flight organized by the US State department became our only option for getting home for our home assignment at the time.  We knew the cost would pretty much wipe out our checking account,  but we saw no other option but to get on that flight and trust the Lord would provide. And He has! Your gift will cover almost half of those flight costs, and with a  few other gifts from others the Lord has prompted to give, we do not have to worry about our account drying up! Thank you so so much for standing with us through this crazy upside down transition! We look forward to seeing you in person soon, Lord willing, to express our thankfulness! Not sure if we are going to be able to hug you by then, but be assured we are already hugging each of you in our hearts! Your act of love has been a comfort to us and we thank the Lord for you!”

Love from, 

Jeremiah, April, Jordan, Judah, and Alayna


Please continue to prayerfully consider giving regularly to the missions account to support our 19 missionary families.

May Missions Update

How are our Missionaries coping with COVID-19?

The above question is something that has weighed heavily on many of our hearts; How are our Missionaries doing? How is the virus affecting them?"

We were able to hear from Paul and Martha Daku - Missionaries supported by First Baptist Church who are currently serving in Fiji.

This is what Paul had to say:

“Our lives changed drastically on March 19. Fiji Airways have cancelled all flights. Mail communication is suspended. Many have lost jobs or been given leave without pay. Social distancing is hard for the Fijians who normally shake hands, hug, and even kiss greetings. But – the islanders are not too worried because most have access to gardens and fish! The simplicity and contentment of their lives is an example to us all.”

Other updates for the Daku Family include: The Raki Raki building plans being approved by the authorities! Over $49,000 has been received toward the $65,000 needed, which has allowed for a local christian builder to begin the building project! They are currently livestreaming 3 services a week which have reached greater audience numbers than before when they just had normal services. Praise the Lord for His guidance and provision in the lives of the Fijians and the Daku family.


Thank you for your tremendous giving in the Easter offering for Markley’s and Milioni’s!

Because of your generous giving, we were able to far surpass our goal and hugely bless the Markley’s and Milioni’s!

Please continue to prayerfully consider giving regularly to the missions account to support our 19 missionary families.