How are our Missionaries coping with COVID-19?
The above question is something that has weighed heavily on many of our hearts; How are our Missionaries doing? How is the virus affecting them?"
We were able to hear from Paul and Martha Daku - Missionaries supported by First Baptist Church who are currently serving in Fiji.
This is what Paul had to say:
“Our lives changed drastically on March 19. Fiji Airways have cancelled all flights. Mail communication is suspended. Many have lost jobs or been given leave without pay. Social distancing is hard for the Fijians who normally shake hands, hug, and even kiss greetings. But – the islanders are not too worried because most have access to gardens and fish! The simplicity and contentment of their lives is an example to us all.”
Other updates for the Daku Family include: The Raki Raki building plans being approved by the authorities! Over $49,000 has been received toward the $65,000 needed, which has allowed for a local christian builder to begin the building project! They are currently livestreaming 3 services a week which have reached greater audience numbers than before when they just had normal services. Praise the Lord for His guidance and provision in the lives of the Fijians and the Daku family.
Thank you for your tremendous giving in the Easter offering for Markley’s and Milioni’s!
Because of your generous giving, we were able to far surpass our goal and hugely bless the Markley’s and Milioni’s!
Please continue to prayerfully consider giving regularly to the missions account to support our 19 missionary families.