A Forever Priest!

The contrast between the readings in Numbers this week to those in Hebrews yesterday and today reveal the beautiful reality that comes with Jesus being our great High Priest.

What was unable to bring perfection… is exchanged for the Perfect One who declares us righteous. Jesus steps in where Aaron failed. Pedigree is replaced by righteous power. The partial and temporary is laid down for the full and forever. This better Hope is introduced through which we draw near to God. Access versus isolation and relationship over condemnation. That’s what Jesus offers as our Great High Priest forever!

Jesus, the guarantor of a better covenant. Its forever. He is permanently our Priest. Jesus: able to save to the uttermost. Jesus: always living to make intercession for us. Jesus: holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. Jesus: a minster in the holy places – the true tent. Jesus: the One who to whom we look as our Priest, but also our Savior, King, and Redemption. Let us take time to worship this Jesus!