(From today’s Colossians 1 reading)
Just a few questions to align our hearts to be centered on Jesus today:
Is Jesus Christ the center of your life? Is He present in your life? Or Is he preeminent?
Has he delivered you from the power of darkness?
Do you realized you were created for Him? Everything he has gifted to you is for Him?
Have you accepted the fact that you are at your best when you are proactively and strategically living for His glory? And what did that look like this week?
Is he before all things? Does he come before all other things in your life?
Is he the boss in your life? Is he the King in your home? Is he the head of the church?
Does he have preeminence in your life?
Do you truly worship Jesus? Have you today? Did you lift your voice in song to share His greatness?
If you stood before the throne today – would you stand faultless, holy unblameable or would you be alienated because of your evil deeds and life?
Is Christ the center of your life?