Do we want to grow?

How well do you know Jesus? Don’t you want to know Him more? How about His life story? Do you know His character and His ways? Jesus was perfect man and fully God in the flesh. When we see the stories of Him and hear His words in the Gospels it allows us to grow. Seeing how He loves helps us know how we are to love. Hearing the truth’s He taught provides a deeper understanding of life.  

For the first half of 2020 we want to take an up close and personal look at Jesus through a study of the Book of Luke. Close to 60% of the information about Jesus is found only in Luke: key people involved at his birth; several of the songs recorded; Jesus’ childhood; many of His travel experiences; the stories of the Prodigal Son and the Rich Man and Lazarus; many parables; and the story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus. All of those are only known from Luke’s gospel and greatly help us examine, follow, and proclaim the truths of Jesus Christ. 

To help you get the most of our “Knowing Jesus” sermon series, pick up a Teaching Series Guide in the foyer and it will provide introductory information, a reading guide through Luke, as well as a journal page for taking notes each Sunday. Our desire for you is that as you walk through Luke you will examine the evidence, choose to follow Jesus as you read, and that you will proclaim what God shows you to be help to those in your life.