This past week my family was doing what most of America was doing: gathering around a Christmas tree and sharing gifts with each other. As we opened them we enjoyed seeing the reactions and the conversations. Today I am wearing one of my presents; others have been put aside or in their place. But there is at least one gift given this year that I hope continues to get opened.
One of my daughters was given a Journaling Bible. Yesterday she brought it to me and we were able to talk about the words she wrote down in it. Over time she will turn its pages and find thoughts God ave her, sermons points she heard, and ways God brought precious truths to her attention. My prayer for myself and my daughter is that this happens often: a gift that can be opened and treasured all life long.
There are endless benefits to the gift of God’s Word. God wants to provide endless resources, tools, and power to each day. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3 what the Word does provide. The Word shows us:
What we need - cultivating our hearts to receive the gospel - verse 15
What is true - revealing solid doctrinal truth – verse 16a
What is false - exposing false doctrine and lifestyle – verse 16b
What is right - correcting and positioning us on healthy paths – verse 16 c
How to live – training in righteous living - verse 16d
So how can we move into 2020 with a Word-focused strategy. Here are 4 steps:
Determine to be in the Word
Don’t take too big a bite.
Develop a plan - decide on what you will read, how much, and when.
Do it in partnership - do it in light of building relationships with someone else.