When will we reassemble for worship?

Hello First Baptist Church Family,

The last 12 weeks we have faced unprecedented times. As a pastor who loves the church, the family of believers, it has been a time of much prayer and great concern for each of you. As we begin to see strides being made across our country to “reopen” we are also seeing a vast array of possibilities and problems. As we answer the question, “When will we reassemble for worship?” we know none of us will agree on every item and protocol or experience the same comfort level; but we are the people of God and that works to our advantage in light of the love and grace present in each one of us in the person of Jesus Christ.

Over the next few days, we will be informing you of what our plan is for reassembling together in a statement on “How we will reassemble”. This will not be a return to “normal”, but over time we trust that the more responsible all of us are, the safer and quicker “normal” can be realized. Of all the things I want to communicate this week: first and foremost are these truths: (1) We are going to gather, (2) There will be specific protocols for us to abide by for one another’s benefit and safety, and (3) We will live out grace and selflessness in a Christ-like manner.

As our leadership discussed these things, our desire is to continue to minister to each person in our church whether they feel they can assemble at 980 Haven or not. We have people who will need to stay home and we want to continue to provide ministry through streaming our services. We love you and look forward to when you will be able to gather together again.

For those who feel they can assemble, we are planning to have an outdoor service, this Sunday May 31, from 10-10:55am. As I have talked with our medical professionals, the opportunity to gather outside is seen as a careful first step in coming back together. Meeting outside does not rid us of needing to have protocols but the open air and less contact points involved is an advantage. Part of that plan includes each person bringing their lawn chair for our open air service.

Between now and Sunday we will share updates on what each of us can do to help each other reassemble in a safe and thoughtful manner. The only protocol I will mention today is the one that will guide our spirit for the others protocols and for re-assembling. It comes to us from Paul in Philippians 2: “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” Please pray right now that God would help you and our church be full of grace, humility, and a spirit of unity as we walk together to accomplish God’s purposes.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Tom