How we will reassemble

Hello Church Family,

Today we want to follow up the “When will we reassemble?” announcement by sharing with you “How we will reassemble.”

For those who feel they can assemble, we are planning to have an outdoor service, this Sunday May 31, from 10-10:55am. As I have talked with our medical professionals, the opportunity to gather outside is seen as a careful first step in coming back together. Meeting outside does not rid us of needing to have protocols but the open air and less contact points involved is an advantage. Below are the protocols and items to help us as we come together.

1.       Our first and guiding protocol comes to us from Paul in Philippians 2:3-5 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” Let us be faithful to live out what it looks like to come not with our own interests above that of others. With so many personal opinions and concerns, let us come in a spirit of unity and concern for one another. We should not only be thinking of those in attendance but those who cannot attend. We want to provide a safe atmosphere where our follow-through on Sunday ensures others that they will be able to join us in the future because we willingly follow guidelines for other people’s benefit. This is both sacrificial and Christ-like.

2.       We will have a 6 foot social distancing protocol and be limiting contact points. For this reason, we ask you to bring your own lawn chair. We will have enough room in front of the Family Life Center to space out. We will be using a sound system so all can hear, and instead of passing an offering plate will have an offering box to help us continue to give to the Lord. We also look forward to getting the supplies that allow for individually packaged communion bread and cups.

3.       Masks are optional, and if it makes you feel more comfortable please wear one. One of the reasons we are meeting outside is that the open air is in our favor. We again stress grace toward one another and acceptance as family in Christ. As we practice social distancing, we aid each other in returning safely.

4.       We are asking everyone to enter the West parking lot, next to our large church sign. As you enter the parking lot you will be directed where to park. Our attendants will also direct you to a comfortable spot to sit and those who come together will sit together. It will be helpful for everyone to follow the attendants and then we welcome you to sit and fellowship with those around you. The service and Live-streaming will start promptly at 10am.

Let me just say that I am so excited to be able to see you. I am trusting God to help us to sense His presence as we worship together. As I mentioned last week in my sermon we want 980 Haven to be Corona-free. This means we don’t desire to have it, spread it, talk about it, or discuss the politics surrounding it. We have far more important things to talk about and rally us together. I believe in you; I know that each Sunday moving forward our praise for Jesus can and will be the focus and I’m so thrilled for Sunday.

As a final note, we look forward to a family time together. In future weeks as it is prudent, we are looking at adding other ministry, the first of which we desire to be some form of kid’s ministry during the service. We will only do that it is safe and helpful. For this reason, our service format is streamlined and planned to be over no later than 10:55. Will you please pray that God would help you and our church be full of grace, humility, and a spirit of unity as we walk together to accomplish God’s purposes.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Tom