Kanye, the Gospel, and Your Gospel Faithfulness


the Gospel,

and you

Much fanfare has been made recently about the new album “Jesus is King” put out by newly converted Christian Kanye West. Everyone seems to have an opinion of Kanye, his album and his conversion. Some are skeptical – which isn’t unlike the way the church in Jerusalem responded to the conversion of popular radical in their day. Some have a wait and see attitude – not wanting to “buy” into something that could just be a fad or marketing strategy. Others have become fast fans and quickly have promoted everything Kanye as if the New Testament is now complete.

 While I have pondered my own response, I have to admit that I have optimistically enjoyed the reality of the power of gospel to save and radically change a yet another sinner. Especially a sinner who has been captured by every modern vice including love of money, fame, drugs, pornography, and yes even the grip of the Kardashian’s.

 We have to then ask the question what would it look like if a sinner like Kanye found Jesus. Here are just a few ideas:

 -        Kanye would boldly find his identity in Jesus Christ and renounce the lifestyle of the past, along with all the musical lyrics that would bring shame to his new faith – Wait, he has done just that.

-        Kanye in picturing what a life of repentance and faith looks like would now use his same talents once used for selfish gain to praise and glorify Jesus – Oh wait, is that why his album is called, “Jesus is King”.

-        Kanye wanting to truly follow Jesus would long to impact others as he personally came into contact with them – Oh, and he is now taking a stand for moral issues with those who work for him and even his own wife.

-        Kanye would boldly proclaim that nothing else provides answers to life and that only Jesus is King – Hmmm, interesting.

 Actually, everything we are seeing played out now in this young new life is exactly what we have been hearing Paul tell Timothy so far in our “Rally Point” sermon series in 2 Timothy. Find you’re your identity in Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1-2). Once you do you will tap into the purpose for which your Creator made you (2 Timothy 2:2-4).  Be bold and unashamed of Jesus your King (2 Timothy 2:5-18), and then do what you can do to be faithful to entrust this to those God has put in your life (2 Timothy 2:1-7). You may want to check out the first 4 sermons under the “sermon” section of our website.

 So with all this fanfare, consider this thought: We may have a first row seat to what it looks like for Kanye to actively live a gospel-drenched life, complete with successes and failures. The greater question is “What does it look like for you to live a gospel-drenched life boldly advancing the gospel in everyday life and WILL you?